What is ACE?

The ACE Program (Afterschool Classroom Enrichment) is a program sponsored by IPSF (Irvine Public Schools Foundation) in cooperation with the Irvine Unified School District.

IPSF selects contractors who teach all types of classes ranging from sports to academics to arts and, through volunteers at each school, offers these classes after regular school hours for nominal fees. There are classes for many ages and are held weekly in 6 to 8 week sessions.

Enrollment is subject to class availability. If we have space in classes after the registration period, we may accept additional students. Irvine students are eligible to attend ACE classes at any ACE school, space permitting.




How to Register

  1. Login at www.IPSFacademy.org. Please use Chrome or Safari as your browser; older versions of Internet Explorer are not supported.
  2. If you have not created a User Email/Password account, you will need to create one for yourself. Click “Create An Account”. Once you have successfully created a parent profile, you will be directed to login.
  3. Click on “Add a Student” to create profiles for each of your students if one does not already exist. For existing students, verify profiles are up to date including grade and homeroom.
  4. Click “Register for Classes”.
  5. Select the desired class(es) and check out.
  6. Once you check out, you will receive an email listing your student’s class enrollment.



Tuition is nonrefundable unless the class is cancelled by the ACE coordinator. If your child registers late, misses classes or withdraws before the end of the session, you are still obligated for the full fees for that session. You are eligible for a prorated tuition refund or credit only if your child withdraws due to serious illness or injury, corroborated by a note from your doctor. All refunds are subject to a $25 non-refundable program fee. Please be advised that refunds may take up to one month to process. If you wish to apply for a refund, please contact your school site coordinator.


Class Age Limits

In order to develop classes suitable for a particular age range, we specify age limits in the brochure. However, exceptions are possible since children display different levels of maturity and ability. Please call if your child is interested in a class but doesn’t fit the printed age profile.


Class Confirmations

Class Confirmations will be confirmed as the online registration is completed for each individual student.



Class Cancellations

We do our best to accommodate all students who sign up for ACE classes. In order to keep class fees as low as possible, we must set a minimum enrollment number for each class to cover the class expenses. If the minimum enrollment is not met, the ACE Program reserves the right to cancel the class and return all registration fees. You will be notified of any cancellations before the first scheduled day of class.



If your student is absent the day of his or her ACE class, please send a message to

acesantiagohills@ipsf.net before 11 am on the day of ACE class.



Getting students to and from class is the responsibility of parents. In the first week of classes, ACE site monitors will attempt to locate registered students who are not present in their class. After that week, however, we expect that the students will know where they should go. If your child has difficulty remembering to go to class, you might want to escort him/her or contact another child in the class so your child has a “buddy” to provide a reminder about class.


ACE students must be picked up immediately after class. Arranging pickup is the responsibility of parents. School staff, ACE instructors and ACE volunteer monitors are not responsible for your child after class. If you are late pick your student up two times, your student will be removed from the program and there are no refunds.



Your child is always welcome to bring a personal snack. The program brochure will note if snack is provided. Please contact the school site coordinator immediately if your child has severe food allergies.


Continuing Classes

Unless noted otherwise in the brochure, students in continuing classes must submit a registration form and payment for each session.



Normal classroom conduct is expected of all ACE students and we generally have very few problems with the behavior of our students. Children displaying unacceptable behavior will be issued a one-time “Behavior Citation”. If a second citation is necessary, the child will have to speak to the school principal and may be dismissed without refund.


Flex Accounts

Receipts for dependent care documentation are available on request. Please Contact IPSF with parent name, child’s name, address, phone number and location of ACE class attended. (949) 263-8340.



A limited number of 50%- 100% scholarships are available for all classes based on need. Income documentation is required for approval. Parents may apply for a scholarship by accessing the scholarship form at www.IPSFacademy.org. Please contact Stephanie at sbynon@ipsf.net, (949)265- 6411 for further information.


Program Sponsorship

Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF) sponsors the district-wide ACE program in cooperation with the Irvine Unified School District.

For further information about the ACE program at other schools, please call IPSF at (949) 263- 8340.


Parent Volunteer Monitors Needed – receive a significant class discount

Can you help monitor ACE classes 1 to 1-1/2 hours per day? The work is easy – taking roll, assisting any children who need help, and randomly checking on each class a few times during the class period. Monitors are granted one reduced class tuition per session. Interested? Call the contact listed above . Please remember that monitors are volunteers and need to stay until all children leave for home.

The ACE program at Santiago Hills has been cancelled in the past due to lack of parent volunteers. This is a great program for our school community and we cannot continue the program without your help.



Contact ACE Coordinator Parent Volunteer Hilda Surjanto at acesantiagohills@ipsf.net.


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