Tiger Trotters Running Club


SIgn-ups coming early 2023

Kids Run the OC Race is on Saturday, May 6, 2023


KROC – Kids Run the OC

KROC is a 10 week marathon training program designed to help kids:

  • Improve Physical Fitness
  • Promote active/healthy lifestyles
  • Combat the onset of childhood obesity
  • Doing it through FUN activities!

This is accomplished through various games, which help improve speed, agility, hand/eye coordination, flexibility and your child’s overall fitness. Students from our school will be led this popular and fun “Kids Run the OC” training program at Santiago Hills school by The OC Marathon certified coach volunteer. 



This is a program to teach children that fitness can be fun.  We will be doing fun drills and activities where the kids won’t even know they were “exercising”.


Each week the kids will participate in activities with the group.  In addition, they will need to log their activity/running for an additional mile or more.  Within the 10 week program, each child will have run 25.2 miles.


The Final Mile will be run at the OC Marathon Event, usually held at the end of April or beginning of May.  The children who participate in the Event will receive a medal for completing the marathon.


Each kid will take a pledge at the beginning – pledging that they will participate in all activities both with the group and at home for the 10 weeks.  The kids will be held accountable for their participation – which is the only way they can participate in the actual OC Marathon event.


We are opening this up to all grades at the school.  But the only way we can have a successful program is to have volunteers!


Typical Participation Requirements

  • Students 2nd grade and younger: parent or guardian must be present during all practices to supervise your child.
  • 3rd graders and up: parents must volunteer at least one practice during the length of the 10 week period.
  • Parent participation during practices is optional but highly encouraged!

There is also a small fee to pay for the Running Club shirts, 

Participation in the KROC Race requires an additional registration fee. Participation in the final race is optional and is not required to participate in Running Club. 


Past Photos of the event:




For more information


Find us on Facebook and Instagram!


Our 2024-2025 community sponsors are amazing! Thank you for your generous support.