Our 2024 Membership and Pledge Drive are Happening Right Now!



Click HERE to become a member.


Click HERE to contribute to our pledge drive.


The SH PTA runs two fundraisers a year to raise money to fund the programs and events during the year. 

We hope that you will consider contributing to our largest fundraiser of the year and/or becoming a member of the SH PTA. It is the easiest way to help our school. 


Becoming a member of PTA does not require any volunteering (though we hope you will because we would love to meet you). The more members that our school PTA has, the more representation we have at the local, state, and national level. Lat year we had the highest number of members ever, can we top that this year?  We hope that you will become a member of PTA or sponsor your child's teacher's PTA membership for the year.  It is only $10 per membership and it makes a difference.



How Do I Donate? 


Contribute to Pledge Drive and/or Join the SH PTA! Check out our fun new pledge packages for the year!



 Click HERE contribute to Pledge Drive or buy packages. 




Friends of Santiago Hills (not registered on our site) and for help:

Contribute to Pledge Drive by contacting our coordinator at pledge@santiagohillspta.com.





We appreciate your support!  




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Our 2024-2025 community sponsors are amazing! Thank you for your generous support.